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Boris Wise Guide

Boris är en passionerad naturalist, vildmarksguide och skicklig fotograf. Innan han åkte på sin första expeditionskryssning 2010 spenderade han tio år med att guida i sydöstra Alaska. Det är djurlivet och vildmarken i både avlägsna och välbekanta regioner som har inspirerade honom att fortsätta utforska.

Boris has sailed throughout the Arctic including the Northwest passage in Canada, along the coasts of Greenland, the Svalbard archipelago and around Iceland. He has also been to the Southern Ocean exploring exciting destinations as Antarctica, South Georgia and the Falkland Islands.

While Boris is addicted to the Polar regions, he has also worked just as much on the water as he has in the water. He has spent most of his time in the underwater world around Central America including Costa Rica, Panama, Columbia, Honduras, and Belize.

Off the ship Boris and his wife Eva travel the world with binoculars and camera in tow.